Yoga, meditation, and spirituality are at the top of the…
Yoga can seem like an incredibly serious practice at times, but it’s important to reconnect with the fun and light side. These yoga comics bring us back to the humor of yoga. They hit the nail on the head about those awkward class moments, overly-ambitious teachers, and the beginning yogi woes—in an all-to-relatable way!
We All Know Savasana Is Secretly Everyone’s Favorite Pose

While savasana might look like a scheduled cat nap, it is actually one of the trickiest poses to do—it involves completely relaxing and focusing only on the present moment. While it may be some people’s (and penguin’s) favorite pose, it is actually easier said than done!
Only True Masters Of Yoga Can Get To That Point

Dedicating years and years to the practice of yoga doesn’t mean that we don’t occasionally have a bad day, or find it difficult to actually bring ourselves to come to our mat. The occasional grumbling and complaining? Totally normal.
“You’ll Need Two Blocks, A Strap, And A Bottle Of Yoga Shampoo…”

Blocks, straps, blankets, bolsters…there are already so many props that we can add to ou yoga practice, why not add one more?
Trying To Focus On The Present Moment Is Easier Said Than Done…

Sure, we are supposed to keep our focus on ourselves and our practice when in a yoga class, but it isn’t always easy! We are all guilty of worrying about things that are outside of the four walls of the studio.
…Especially When Pizza Is On The Mind

One of the most distracting things in a yoga class? A grumbling stomach! Eating a light meal a few hours before a class helps keep your hunger pangs at bay…and pizza out of the mind.
Beginners And Advanced Yogis Alike Get Their Rights And Lefts Confused Every Once In A While

We’ve all accidentally moved to the wrong side in a pose. You can easily switch sides when you realize the rest of the class is facing the other way. Don’t worry, your neighbor is probably the only one who noticed.
We All Have Our Teacher Preferences

Well…Yogi Bear might not actually be a dedicated practitioner, but we can all relate to liking and disliking certain teaching styles. Every instructor has their own methods and mannerisms, so it is important to find one that really clicks with you!
The True Obstacle In Practicing Mindfulness

One of the trickiest parts of practicing mindfulness is letting go of the millions of thoughts about the past and future that go through our minds! While it is a challenging process, we can all take steps towards becoming more mindful.
We’re All A Little (Or A Lot) Jealous Of That Person With Mega Flexibility

Some yogis can go into seemingly insane poses with total ease, and it’s easy to be jealous. When it comes down to it, yoga is about practicing in a way that is best for your body, and not being affected by the practice of the people around us.
Sometimes You Don’t Really Connect With The Class Intention…

You know what yoga can also be? Challenging, ungraceful, and hard work! Don’t worry if your practice isn’t always as perfect as you think it should be.
Yoga Can Look Different To Different People

What is most important is that you are doing what is best for you and your body!
The Natural Progression Of A Sequence

Sometimes we can be totally in the flow of things, and then all of the sudden we lose our sense of balance. If you get out of synch, take a moment to recuperate, and get back in there!
Expectations Versus Reality

Some yogis have a way of making poses look totally easy. Even if you aren’t as graceful as your teacher or some other yogis in the room, keep working at it and fight the urge to compare yourself to others.
That’s How It Goes, Right?

It’s easy to get a bit sassy with people who we have tension with, but try your best to be mindful and keep the language more in line with the traditional meaning of namaste.
Masters Of Pranayama Can Relate

Pranayama, or yogic breathing technique, is a great way to calm the mind, focus on the present, and get centered…but hopefully not this centered.
Teachers Looking To Spice Up Their Classes: Look No Further

Remember how we mentioned not to go to class on an empty stomach? Well, teachers…try not to add fuel to the fire!
A New Style Of Yoga

As long as you are getting in some time to practice, it can be considered a success!
No One Likes A Showoff…

Again…it is important to focus on your own practice, not that of the people around you. Be happy with your own journey, even if the person on the other side of the room is seemingly leaps and bounds ahead of you (and a bit of a showoff!).
Yoga Isn’t A Competition…But Sometimes It Is

It’s easy to get competitive with the people around you, but focus on you and dedicate the time to your mat that makes the most sense for your life!
When You Accidentally Sign Up For The Advanced Advanced Class

Paddleboard yoga, yoga with weights, cardio yoga…so many new classes are emerging every year. It’s not too crazy to think that a Simon Says yoga could be right around the corner!
I’d Be A Much Better Yogi Without My Ligaments Getting In The Way

It’s important to listen to your body, and do what is right for it…even if you are mad that your ligaments are keeping you from nailing the peak pose!
Yoga Is Much More Dangerous Than It First Appears

We’ve all been in that precarious situation where your neighbor’s foot is getting dangerously close to your head. Be mindful of the people around you—both for your sake and theirs!
Remind Me What The Benefits Are Of Headstand?

It can be tricky to understand the point of certain poses, especially when they seem to be causing more challenges than benefits. Remember that there are lessons to be learned and bridges to cross with the obstacles you face!
We All Have Our Strengths

There is no reason not to be proud of yourself for what you accomplished in class…even if it seems a bit silly!
Yoga Isn’t Always The Stress Relief That We Need

Yoga is great for relieving stress, but sometimes it can be hard to apply the principles you learn when you leave the yoga studio. Keep coming to your mat, and you’ll soon be able to bring some of that serenity into your daily life!
What's Your Reaction?

Yoga, meditation, and spirituality are at the top of the list for writer and former nutritionist Amanda Carter. This devoted practitioner enjoys writing about health and wellness just as much as she enjoys living it.