After spending nearly two decades as a relationship therapist, Patricia…
Has the idea of immersing yourself in a yoga teacher training been swimming across your mind lately? If the flyers at your local studio keep catching your eye, chances are you’re more than ready to take the plunge. Regardless of whether you’re a newbie in the yoga world looking to figure out why pigeon pose feels so darn good, or a seasoned practitioner ready to start guiding your own classes, yoga teacher training has something to offer everyone. If you’re still on the fence and need just a little extra push, then look no further. Below are 13 noteworthy reasons why you shouldn’t wait for another second to enroll in a teacher training.
Improved Understanding Of Your Body

Tons of people are completely disconnected from their bodies, yet they wonder why health and wellness is a consistent struggle. A surface-level understanding of the body won’t cut it when it comes to identifying our needs for a positive wellbeing. Yoga serves as a valuable tool for deepening our physical awareness and heightening the connection between body and mind. Upon awakening this consciousness, we open the door for profound mental and physical growth. Teacher training guides us through a journey of self-discovery by breaking down individual poses and demonstrating how different bodies possess unique abilities and limitations. It also teaches patience, acceptance, and gratitude for our body as it is rather than constantly striving towards something beyond our current state. Upon the completion of training, you’ll be more aware of what your body needs in each moment and capable of maintaining a healthy balance.
Broadens Knowledge Of Yogic Theory

Yoga teacher training goes far beyond mastering the perfect downward dog; it enlightens students on the history of yoga, human anatomy, and how to live an Ayurvedic lifestyle. You’ll quickly realize that the physical practice is only the tip of the yogic iceberg. What lies under the surface is crucial for anyone looking to take their practice off the mat and fully embody the ancient principles of yoga. Whether you’re merely curious about what the word ‘yoga’ actually means, or ready to dive deeper into your understanding of the yamas; yoga teacher training is the place to grow your knowledge. You can expect to learn using hands-on approaches as well as written work, such as the Yoga Sutras by Patanjali. All of this information gives you the tools for a healthier, happier, and more peaceful life.
Discover Your True Potential
Following your teacher training, limiting thoughts and behaviors will no longer have the power to prevent you from living up to your full potential. More often than not, we sell ourselves short and place limits on what we can achieve. This line of thinking is highly detrimental and often leaves us feeling unfulfilled. Yoga teacher training leaves space for the facilitation of an inner dialogue that uncovers our true desires and the potential we have to reach them. Honest self-reflection creates space for an evaluation of our choices and how they impact our everyday life. This awareness is a catalyst for the growth and change that’s necessary to improve the relationship we have with ourselves and the world around us.
You’re Ready For Change

Some attend yoga teacher training to advance their practice with the intention of eventually leading classes, while others attend to bring about a personal change. The reflective nature of yoga and the guidance presented in teacher trainings encourages students to focus on areas of life that could use improvement and necessary calls to action. Although the trainings act as a catalyst, the transformations that occur aren’t always what we expect. As long as you enter the experience with an open mind and a willingness towards change, you’ll leave with a fresh outlook and a noticeable shift.
Break Out Of Your Comfort Zone

Leaving the realm of perceived safety can be intimidating and even downright scary, but yoga instills in us the confidence to explore what lies beyond our fears. This uncharted territory is where the real magic unfolds, and we experience the freedom to be our highest selves. Some portions of the training will challenge you to step outside of the preconceived physical and mental barriers that hold you back, but trust that you’re always ready for the next step.
Deepen Your Personal Practice

The deepened awareness of anatomy, alignment, and adjustments brought by teacher trainings sheds light on the yoga poses we’ve come to know and love. This refreshing perspective will empower you to embrace modifications in your practice and optimize the benefits of each posture. It’s very likely that you’ll come out of your training with new ways of expressing familiar poses and perhaps even mastering some poses you never thought possible.
Find New Friendships

Embarking down the path of yoga is a highly personal choice, but those who walk alongside us leave a lasting print on our lives. When you immerse yourself in a teacher training, you become intricately involved in a community of like-minded individuals. Being surrounded by people who share similar values and interests will inspire you to make empowered choices and be conscious of the energy you allow in. Sometimes this means letting go of relationships that are no longer beneficial and relying on your new network of friends to ease the transition. Following your teacher training, your yoga family will continue to grow as you start to embrace new students and teachers.
Feel Free To Express Yourself

Through practice teaching and various workshops, you’ll start to recognize your unique methods for communication and how well they express your true intentions. If you’re feeling uncertain or hesitant in the message you’re trying to convey, it often becomes confusing for those listening. Coming to this realization and finding your voice requires immense vulnerability and acceptance of the perceptions of others. Sustained efforts to express yourself freely will help you effectively communicate your thoughts and feelings both on and off the mat.
Learn To Take Your Practice Off The Mat
Embracing a yogic lifestyle means so much more than flowing through poses; it involves applying the ancient principles to everyday life. This wisdom translates as enhanced communication, improved awareness, healthy relationships, deepened compassion, and the ability to stay calm through obstacles. With regular practice, these skills become second nature, and the peace that’s felt on the yoga mat extends to all aspects of life.
Improved Confidence

Whether public speaking has always been a struggle for you or not, it takes a lot of confidence to stand tall and own your space as a teacher. Even if you don’t plan on teaching after the training, the practice of guiding your peers will enhance your ability to present yourself confidently in any scenario. In addition to speaking in front of others, teacher trainings strengthen our ability to hold postures and focus. This physical and mental stimulation enlightens our confidence and encourages us to see our true worth.
Avoid Future Injury

Throughout a teacher training our body awareness flourishes and we begin to walk through life more mindfully. This state of conscious behavior reduces the risk of injury by keeping us aware of our body’s natural limitations. It’s inevitable that you’ll face aches and pains at some point or another, but the wisdom gathered in yoga teacher training can help heal the body and soothe tension. You’ll learn how to release certain areas without adding to the strain effectively. Each movement holds a clear intent supported by increased knowledge of how to safely maneuver through different poses.
Explore Spirituality
As we learn to still the waves of the mind and focus all attention on the breath, we become fully attuned to our highest self and the present moment. Despite being a relatively communal experience, yoga teacher training delivers an opportunity for personal reflection and assessment of beliefs. What many discover is that while core beliefs among peers may differ, each person is deeply connected by something far more significant. Chanting and meditation are among the various methods used for heightening our spiritual connection to ourselves and the world around us. Regardless of your existing level of spirituality, you’re sure to be profoundly influenced by the wealth of knowledge and guidance you receive during training.
Learn To Meditate

Generally speaking, there’s greater emphasis on the physical practice of yoga than there is on meditation in the western world. Even though many people find mental training to be far more difficult than physical exertion, it’s an often overlooked and essential form of exercise. Most yoga teacher trainings spend time developing meditative skills and introducing the different methods for tuning in to the body. It likely won’t come easily or feel natural at first, but eventually, time for stillness will be a permanent part of your daily routine. You don’t have to enter the training with a current meditation practice; you simply need to desire the addition of it into your life.
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After spending nearly two decades as a relationship therapist, Patricia journeyed down the path of writing as a vehicle for sharing her wisdom. Her work reflects a sincere interest in readers’ wellbeing and is abundant with helpful advice and fascinating insight.