Lauren Howard holds a master certification in reiki, or energy…
Divine masculine and feminine energy are of equal value offering unique benefits. Despite gender, there are aspects that illuminate empowerment in both. But, if you happen to be female, you can also use this divine energy in many ways. To be more intuitive, aware, self-motivated, and collaborative.
What Is Divine Feminine Energy?
There’s a balance of the two energies inside all of us. Feminine energy has to do with the strength of intuition. The feeling that resides within our stomach or gut, and reaches our heart. It’s about the interpersonal connection that gives empathy and the ability to be receptive. When we are full of this feminine energy, we gravitate towards what fulfills our spirit.
This energy also helps us maintain and foster relationships. By creating strong bonds with others, we also take note of the importance of the self. To understand the values and needs of ourselves and to love who we are and who we have become.
The Difference Between Divine Feminine And Masculine Energy
Masculine energy links to ambition, assertion, and persistence. This energy helps us to persist despite what circumstances we may face. It gives us traction to achieve our goals. But, if we become too goal-oriented we can lose our sense of connection with others. We can become out of balance, this can lead to a life that seems shallow and out of touch with what we value.
Yoga Poses To Help You Connect To Your Divine Feminine Energy
When you’re feeling out of touch and you need a little movement to ignite your divine flame. Consider some of these yoga moves to incorporate into your routines.
Virabhadra – Warrior 2 Pose

To enter this pose:
- In mountain pose, step out to have your feet about four feet apart. Raise the arms and outstretch them to either side of your body with palms facing downwards.
- Turn the feet outwards 90 degrees and keep the right and left heels aligned. Firm the thighs, turning your left thigh outward, and keeping the kneecap in line with the left ankle.
- Bend the left knee over the left ankle, with leg perpendicular to the floor. Bring the left thigh parallel to the floor.
- Stretch the arms as far as it is comfortable and turn the head to look out past the fingers.
- Stay within the pose for about a minute. Inhale and come upwards, repeating the same movement on the other side.
Camatkarasana – Wild Thing Pose

To enter this pose:
- Start in a downward-facing dog.
- Keep weight onto the right side and roll the other foot’s edge, as you would inside plank pose.
- From here, lift the hips, keep healthy in the right hand, and maintain the shoulder to the right arm held back.
- Within the exhale, step the left foot back with knees bent.
- Curl back through the upper back as if you are making a sweeping movement of the shoulder blades towards the rib cage’s backend.
- Inhale, lift the hips high, and curl into a backbend.
- Keep breathing and twist the head backward, extending the left arm from the heart.
- Maintain this pose for ten breaths and return to a downward dog to repeat on the opposite side.
Kaliasana – Goddess Pose

How to enter this pose:
- Begin with the mountain pose, or tadasana. Exhale and bring the right foot outside of your left by a few inches.
- Bend knees while lifting heels.
- Stretch arms out and bring palms together in pranam mudra.
- Exhale and bend forward.
- Bring the right hand in front of the right big toe and left hand in front of the left big toe.
- Place fingertips on the floor.
- Look back towards the pelvic bone and remain in this posture for as long as it’s comfortable or generally recommended up to 8 breaths.
Ustrasana – Camel Pose

To enter this pose:
- Kneel with the thighs perpendicular to the floor. Keep the distance between the knees and hips.
- Press the toenails downward and firm ankles, firm the inner thighs and press the glutes backward toward the calves.
- Press firmly throughout the body and bring the palms together at the chest. Drop chin down.
- Take a large inhale, lift the chest, keep pelvis over knees, keep hands pressed towards the heels.
- Press shoulder blades towards one another and lift the chest, curving the spine and opening up the chest.
- Elongate and feel space created within the back, extend the neck, allowing the head to drop backward.
- Hold for as long as comfortable, generally recommended for up to 10 breathes. Take a large inhale to return to the starting position and have the head be the last part of the body to return to its starting position.
Balasana – Child’s Pose

To enter this pose:
- Start by having hands and knees on the mat, shoulder-length apart.
- Fall forward, bringing your bell to sit between your legs and your head down towards the floor.
- Outstretch the arms, letting the headrest in-between them, and face the palms downward.
- Stay as long as you like in the pose or up to ten breaths.
Natarajasana – Dancers Pose

To begin this pose:
- Start in mountain pose
- Start to distribute weight onto the right foot steadily. Begin to lift the left heel towards the left side of the body.
- Rotate the left shoulder and stretch outwards behind you while clasping onto the arch of the left foot.
- Allow the right arm to come in front of you. Raise the left knee and keep the right arm parallel to the floor.
- Find a place that feels comfortable for you. Continue to deepen the stretch by lifting the heel away from you.
- Stay in the pose for up to 8 breaths, and repeat on the other side.
Supta Baddha Konasana – Reclined Butterfly Pose

To begin this pose:
- Sit on the floor and keep your legs outstretched in front of you.
- Bring your feet together by bringing the knees out, like making a butterfly wing shape with the legs. Lay the upper body backward and rest hands on the stomach or out to the side of you.
- Stay in this pose for up to ten breaths.
Vriksasana – Tree Pose

To begin this pose:
- Root both feet into the floor and feel your weight evenly between both feet.
- Then shift your weight until you feel balanced in your right foot. Lift the left foot while keeping the standing leg steady. Be careful not to lock the knee.
- Bending the left knee, reach the left foot high and place upon the right leg’s inner thigh.
- Press the foot into the thigh, and press it backwards, and your thigh back onto the foot.
- Try to remain present as this will help aid you in your balancing.
- Take up to ten breaths and lower the left foot towards the floor and repeat on the other side.
Naginyasana – Mermaid Pose

To begin this pose:
- Start in a low lunge; keep the left leg low to the ground or yoga mat.
- Elongate the quad and open up the hip flexors while lifting the torso.
- Grab your foot and pull up towards your hips. Hold for five to eight breaths.
Utkatasana – Fierce Pose

To begin this pose:
- Begin by standing up straight with straightened legs and arms.
- Bring hands up over the head and take a large inhale in.
- Fall forward gradually with a slow exhale.
- Raise the head and inhale slowly.
- Try to bring your gaze upwards, out in front of you, or above.
- Maintain this position for as long as comfortable or for 5-10 breaths.
Malasana – Garland Pose

To begin this pose:
- Begin in mountain pose, bring the knees outwards, and raise the hand over the head, bringing the palms together.
- Pull the belly button inwards and create a small tilt in the pelvis.
- Root your heels to the ground and bring the glutes downward like a squat. Lower slowly.
- For assistance, consider pushing elbows in the inside of the knees to assist in opening the hip flexors. Keep a focused gaze or shut eyes to focus on breathing.
- Maintain the pose for as long as it is comfortable or for up to 10 breaths.
Paripurna Navasana – Boat Pose

To begin this pose:
- Sit on your yoga mat with knees bent and feet laying flat.
- Lifting the feet off the floor, keep the knees bent, and gradually begin to bring the legs parallel to the floor.
- Your back will gradually fall towards the mat; this is good, but do not let the spine round.
- Straighten the legs at a 45-degree angle, but only perform this if you are not losing the back’s steadiness. Make sure your upper torso remains upright and supported to stay in the V-shape.
- Stay in this for at least five breathes or, however long, it is comfortable. Release the legs on an exhale and return to a sitting position.
Kapinjalasana – Drinking Bird Pose

To begin this pose:
- Begin in the Mountain pose, and begin to lift the heels of your feet upward to balance onto the toes.
- Bend forward and keep the arms straight, falling backward.
- Move the head and the fingertips as far as possible away from one another, feel the stretch as much as possible and stay in the pose for however long it’s comfortable.
- Return to an upright position gradually.
Padangustasana – Toe Stand Pose

To begin this pose:
- To begin, start in tree pose. Keep the left foot on the outside of the hip, as high as possible, and keep the sole of the foot upwards.
- Bring the hands to the chest, keeping the gaze downward.
- Bend the upper body over the legs and stretch out towards the floor as much as possible. Begin to slowly bend the knee to lower the hips enough to become balanced to sit on the heel. Bring both hands to the sides of the floor, keeping knees parallel.
- Bring palms together and lift the hips up from the heel.
- Remain in the pose for however long it feels comfortable or up to 8 breathes.
Virasana – Hero’s Pose

To begin this pose:
- Begin the pose by sitting in a kneeling position on the mat.
- Place your palms flat on the ground in front of you and lift the pelvis up to bring the feet outward.
- Place the inside of the feet in a comfortable situation where your body weight is resting, as the tops of the feet remain stationary to the floor.
- Elongate the spine and bring the arms out towards the side of you.
Vajrasana – Thunderbolt Pose

To begin this pose:
- Start this pose in a kneeling position with hands resting on the thighs.
- Elongate the tailbone and feel the stretch through the back. Slightly tuck the chin in.
How To Connect With Divine Feminine Energy
Now that we recognize the difference between the two energies, there are several ways to get in touch with our feminine energy. Consider some of these to ignite the feminine energy in you.
- Pranayama Breathing: This refers to breathing exercises. This can clear the physical and emotional energies in the body.
- Movement: Any movement of the body will work to ignite and connect you with your femininity. From yoga to creative movements like dance, both work to help you feel that connection. Whatever movement resonates the most with you.
- Journaling: Journaling helps you experience self-expression in a non-judgmental space. Allow yourself to think freely and jot ideas as they come to you. Listen to your intuition and assess the emotions that come to you during this time.
- Sacred Space: Creating a space that serves as a sanctuary to busy or hectic days is necessary. This will help you feel present. Keep you relaxed going deeper into meditation and further connection with the self.
- Self Love: Self-love is about taking care of you on a physical, mental, and spiritual level. Take time in the areas where you feel most depleted to do something special for yourself. Consider adopting an affirmation that will help you embrace your feminine power. An affirmation that can get you rooted in and confident in the skin you’re in.
There are a variety of ways to connect with your feminine energy. Activities that get you more in tune with your values and your emotions and in a positive headspace. This energy can help you tackle everyday life and challenges with resilience.
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Lauren Howard holds a master certification in reiki, or energy healing, and has been practicing yoga for over 20 years. She began freelance writing as a means of spreading her truth and knowledge with a broader audience.