Former nutrition specialist Alexandra Mackenzie knows what it means to…
Whether you’re a seasoned practitioner or a total yoga newbie, Mary Ochsner is ready to help bring your yoga dreams to fruition through a wide range of beginner yoga tutorials. This certified yoga teacher is passionate about helping others transform their lives through consistent, judgment-free, and inspiring daily yoga practice. While her yoga journey started as simply a new workout regime, she quickly realized the power it had to transform her body and mind. If you’re looking to start a yoga practice or deepen an existing one, check out Mary’s incredible podcast, “Her Vibe is Pretty,” or explore the Mary Ochsner Yoga App.
When did you first try yoga?
I took a community yoga class back in 2011 because I thought it sounded like a “cool” workout HA! And ended up being so much more than that!
How many years have you been practicing yoga?
9 years
Who was the first teacher that greatly influenced you?
Rachel Brathen – @yoga_girl on insta!
When did you decide to become a yoga teacher and why?
Yoga was the only practice that I actually looked forward to doing. It had such a positive influence on my life that I knew I wanted to share it with others. I decided to sign up for YTT in 2016 and started teaching once a week. A few years later I quit my job and went head first into the yoga world and never looked back!
How much time do you devote to your yoga practice per day/week?
I practice almost every single day. Sometimes for 5 minutes other times for hours! It totally varies and that’s okay 🙂 As long as I’m consistent, that is all that really matters to me!
What is the hardest yoga pose that you have ever found?
Handstand! I’ve been working toward it for years. It’s taught me to be humble and patient in my practice.
What advice would you give to those who are just starting their yoga journey?
It’s okay to be a beginner and not have any idea what you’re doing! We all start somewhere 🙂 The goal of yoga isn’t to have a perfect yoga pose, but instead to show up, move and connect to our bodies and breathe deep!
How often do you meditate? (Min per day / once per day)
About 20 minutes every day
What are your Top 3 favorite places? they can be anywhere on earth
Hawaii, Capri in Italy, Michigan
What are your Top 3 favorite movies that everyone should watch?
I’m a huge movie person so there are so many! But I tend to like dark/thriller type movies. The first few movies that come to mind are Fight Club, The Dark Knight, and Pulp Fiction
Do you have any favorite TV Shows? If so, what are your Top 3?
Game of Thrones, New Girl, Ozark
What are the Top 3 YouTube channels that you regularly watch?
Honestly I don’t really watch YouTube, but lately I’ve been practicing with a Wim Hof and Joe Dispenza breath work/meditation. My husband usually has Joe Rogan on a lot too so I guess I get sucked into watching that!
What are your Top 3 favorite books that have influenced your life in some way?
Oh goodness, so many! The 4 Hour Work Week by Tim Ferriss, You Are A Badass by Jen Sincero, and Journey to the Heart by Melody Beattie
What are your Top 10 songs (for 2019-2020)?
I’ve had this playlist on repeat this summer!
What are the Top 5 modern yogis you admire and that the readers should check out? Do they have an Instagram?
There are so many!! @yoga_girl, @phyllicia.bonanno, @esthermarieyoga, @dannipomplun, @jasoncrandell, @adellbridges, @jessicarichburg @priti_yoga, @meditatingwithdeandre, @meditatingwithdeandre, @miz.liz, and @Elaina.embodied
As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I wanted to be a writer, dancer, veterinarian and spy.
What was your first ever job?
I worked at a bakery
What time do you wake up? What about going to sleep?
I’m usually in bed by 11 and up before 8
What do you do in the first 30 minutes after waking up?
I start my morning routine! (It’s been a game changer for me) I get out of bed, and go into our spare room to start my breath work and meditation (for usually 20-60 minutes), have coffee with my husband, journal, and then start my day!
Do you drink coffee? If so, how do you take it?
Oh yes! I love sweet creamy coffee & lattes!
Do you drink alcohol? If so, what’s your drink of choice?
Yes! Vodka & lemonade
What type of food do you gravitate towards? (your diet)
I don’t follow any specific diet – everything in moderation! But I do my best to eat healthy & wholesome foods and try to avoid processed/fake foods.
If you could have any superpower in the world, what would it be?
To fly!
If you had the ability to change yourself would you, and if so, what would you change?
I honestly love myself the way I am, but for fun, I would make myself so freaking funny! Like the funny friend who always makes you laugh until your stomach hurts!
What are your hobbies other than yoga?
I love to travel, read, watch movies, paddle board, go boating, paint, calligraphy, eat delicious food and take care of my plant babies.
What are the three basic rules that you live by?
Be kind to everyone. Love yourself. Have fun!
If you received a gift of $1 billion, how would you spend it?
I would invest most of it, use it to help people kick start their own businesses and also take all of my friends and family on an EPIC vacay! Wanna come?!
If you could invite any person in history, dead or alive, to dinner, who would you choose?
Jesus. I would want to ask how I can better live this life on Earth
What new skill would you like to master in the next 3 years?
Inner Peace
What is one piece of advice that you would give to your younger self?
Trust your gut. If you’re feeling called to do something, DO IT!
How much time do you spend on your phone per day?
Ahh I’m too embarassed to say HAHA! A lot!
What are the top 5 apps you spend the most time on?
Instagram, InShot, Podcast App, Messages, Facebook
Whose interview would you like to read next on this site?
@esthermarieyoga she is AMAZING
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Former nutrition specialist Alexandra Mackenzie knows what it means to support the body and mind through food. She’s passionate about sharing her wealth of knowledge with anyone willing to listen.