Former nutrition specialist Alexandra Mackenzie knows what it means to…
Between classes, workshops, virtual teacher training certifications, and Spotify meditations, Jonah Kest has something for every step of your yoga journey. This talented yogi was born to vinyasa yoga pioneer Jonny Kest, and one of the first yoga business owners, Milla Kest. Not only was Jonah destined to follow the path of yoga, but he started to develop for his lifelong practice at an incredibly young age. He maintained other interests growing up, such as basketball, boxing, and track, which showed him the importance of finding a balance between strength and flexibility. Today, Jonah enjoys sharing his travels, diet, and yoga practice with the world and is inspired to help others live their best life through the teachings of impermanence, compassion, and humility.
When did you first try yoga?
Growing up in a yoga family, my father introduced me to yoga at a very young age. I can remember walking the yoga room at 3 years old. But I just tell people I was handstanding out the womb 🙂
How many years have you been practicing yoga?
Ive been practicing for 15 years and teaching for 7
Who was the first teacher that greatly influenced you?
My father Jonny Kest
When did you decide to become a yoga teacher and why?
I became a teacher to share the gifts that had done so much for me. Sharing the practice changed everything.
How much time do you devote to your yoga practice per day/week?
I devote about an hour a day. Continuity of practice is the secret to success
What is the hardest yoga pose that you have ever found?
Meditation seems to be the most challenging yoga pose for me. To just sit and do nothing is so difficult.
What advice would you give to those who are just starting their yoga journey?
Start with what’s necessary. Then do what’s possible and suddenly you’re doing the impossible 🙂
How often do you meditate? (Min per day / once per day)
Every day I meditate about 20-30 mins. The morning seems to be the best time for me.
What are your Top 3 favorite places? they can be anywhere on earth
India, Hawaii and Bali!
What are your Top 3 favorite movies that everyone should watch?
India, Hawaii and Bali!
Do you have any favorite TV Shows? If so, what are your Top 3?
The shawshank redemption, Way of the Peaceful warrior and Life of Pi
What are the Top 3 YouTube channels that you regularly watch?
Prison break, The last dance and friends
What are your Top 3 favorite books that have influenced your life in some way?
The London Reel, Joe Rogan and Asap Science
What are your Top 10 songs (for 2019-2020)?
What are the Top 5 modern yogis you admire and that the readers should check out? Do they have an Instagram?
@Bryan_kest @dylanwerneryoga @Sadhguru @Talia_sutra @Seanecorn
As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I wanted to be an NBA player! Basketball was my first love
What was your first ever job?
I worked at a smoothie shop. I made the best vegan smoothie in town
What time do you wake up? What about going to sleep?
Extra early here on Kauai. 6:30am. 10pm bedtime.
What do you do in the first 30 minutes after waking up?
Went into the river and cold plunged
Do you drink coffee? If so, how do you take it?
Yes, I love a nice French press. I also love to grind my own beans.
Do you drink alcohol? If so, what’s your drink of choice?
What type of food do you gravitate towards? (your diet)
Plant-based foods
If you could have any superpower in the world, what would it be?
To fly
If you had the ability to change yourself would you, and if so, what would you change?
Why would I change if there’s nothing wrong with me? We are perfect the way we are.
What are your hobbies other than yoga?
Photography is a huge passion of mine
What are the three basic rules that you live by?
Be honest, always do your best and trust the proccess
If you received a gift of $1 billion, how would you spend it?
I would invest it into people and companies who are making a positive environmental impact on the planet. + buy a beautiful home in Hawaii.
If you could invite any person in history, dead or alive, to dinner, who would you choose?
The buddha without hesitation
What new skill would you like to master in the next 3 years?
1 arm handstand
What is one piece of advice that you would give to your younger self?
Take it easy on yourself. Its all gonna be okay
How much time do you spend on your phone per day?
a few hours!
What are the top 5 apps you spend the most time on?
Instagram, mail, chess, Spotify and Vsco
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Former nutrition specialist Alexandra Mackenzie knows what it means to support the body and mind through food. She’s passionate about sharing her wealth of knowledge with anyone willing to listen.